Academic Honor Code
Northern Humboldt Union High School District Honor Code
A core value of an institution that seeks to maintain high moral and ethical standards is the intolerance of academic dishonesty in any form. In presenting a code of conduct based on individual integrity and ethics, we aim to create a vision of what we would like our community to be.
Academic Dishonesty:
If a student cheats or plagiarizes, s/he will receive a zero for the entire assignment and will not qualify for makeup of the assignment subject to the teacher’s discretion. If the student cheats or plagiarizes a second time, s/he may receive a Drop F from the class. If multiple offenses occur during the school year, throughout the student’s schedule, s/he will be dealt with accordingly. After due process, the site administration reserves the right to assign additional penalties based on the severity of the offense up to and including suspension or expulsion.
In order to prevent misunderstandings, at the beginning of each course, the teacher will clarify what constitutes a violation of the Honor Code in his/her class.
The consequences for committing Academic Dishonesty can include a failing grade for the assignment with no opportunity for make-up, failure in the class as a whole and possible removal from the course in extreme/repeat offenses.
Note: Adapted from the George Mason University Honor Code (Feb. 2009, Sep. 2023)